2017 Projectoree


We met in the Redeemer parking lot Friday afternoon, loaded the cabers, troop flag (with a new eagle atop, thanks to Mrs. Munoz) and all our gear and headed down I-95 to Camp Wilson, site of the Projectoree. After a quick stop for dinner in Lorton and despite bad directions, we made it and set up camp. The leaders of our 4 patrols, the Purple Narwhals, Dogfish, Photosynthesizers, and Disciples of the Fire Lord attended the PLC and were briefed on the rules and last minute announcements to ready for the next day of competition.

The next morning we were up early cooking and cleaning up breakfast, donning our new shirts and getting ready for the competition begin by coating ourselves in bug spray to deter the ticks from latching on us. At 9:15, the horn blast alerted us to head to the main field for the opening ceremony. Brandon Coopersmith represented the troop well as the flag bearer for the ceremony. Shortly after the opening ceremony, the patrols all headed to their respective first events. The weather was quite warm, so each patrol member was required to drink a cup of water before starting each event. After competing well in the morning events, we all took a break in our shaded camp and had a lunch of hot dogs, chips and lots of water to prepare for the afternoon events.

In the fire building competition, all 4 patrols were able to get a good fire going. 3 of them completed the task in the required time limit. That itself was a vast improvement over last year! After the last afternoon competition, it was time for the Scoutmaster Chariot Race. Troop 111 has dominated this race every year of the Projectoree. Our volunteer Scoutmaster, Mrs. Coopersmith, was ready for her ride down the main field. The troop was told under NO circumstances was Mrs. Coopersmith to be dropped. Our troop competed in the second heat of the race. Seemingly within seconds, the expert senior lashers, Charlie and Matthew, had the chariot assembled and Mrs. Coopersmith, holding on for dear life with a look of great fear on her face, came racing down the field in what looked to be record time. We made it to the finals and again the lashers did an outstanding job and raced Mrs. Coopersmith down the field again well ahead of the other troops. For the first time, Troop 1916 had won the race!!

After delicious dinners of stew and cornbread, walking tacos, pasta and taco casserole, the troop headed for the main field for the closing ceremony. Brandon again represented us as the flag bearer, carrying our troop flag proudly. From there it was off the to campfire for flag retirement, skits and the results of the competition. Patrick Short and Noah Chin represented our troop in the flag retirement ceremony. This is a solemn ceremony where flags no longer able to flown are burned in the final campfire. Next came the results of the individual events. The Photosynthesizers won 2 of the events and Dogfish won 1. Each troop then did a skit. Our troop performed the Shady Realtor and received the most laughs of all the skits. After the skits, it was time for the overall results. Disciples of the Fire Lords (a.k.a., Yetis) took the third place ribbon and the Photosynthesizers (a.k.a. Lumberjacks) took the FIRST PLACE ribbon!!!

Back at camp with the results reported to Mr. Forrer and Mr. Salt, the boys were sent to prepare for bed and the ribbons were safely stowed to be added to the troop flag. After a warm night, the boys arose, packed up and started on breakfast. After eating, cleanup, a pep talk from Dr. Bob (the head of the Projectoree), our Sunday duties and a quick round of Roses, Buds and Thorns. We packed into our cars and headed home holding our heads high for competing to our best abilities and most importantly, not dropping Mrs. Coopersmith. 

Reported by: Debbie Gattuso