Troop 1916 Does Well Again in the 2016 Projectoree

The 2016 Projectoree is done and dusted. Troop 1916 did really well with our patrols taking 3rd, 6th and 7th positions out of 27 competing patrols.

During the last couple of months Braden, Charlie, Matthew H and Andre had been attending planning meetings with Mrs. Miller and Ms. Gattuso (thanks to all for attending and giving up your time) and working out the logistics of the competition. We had planned on entering three patrols but with the great turn out lobbied for four and were granted our wish.

The PLC met last Tuesday and named our competing patrols. The Purple Narwhals and the Dogfish (both previous entrants) and two new patrol names, the Photosynthesizers and the Disciples of the Fire Lord. I really have no comment on their choices except for the fact that they may need to get out more!

Troop 1916 was represented by 48 scouts and 15 adults and despite the promise of rain all week we were dry until late Saturday night.

We met at the church at 4:30 on Friday and were away by just after 5 p.m. Our drive down 95 was painless (thankfully) and food was had at various eateries in Lorton. We then headed over to Camp Wilson, checked in, set up camp, built a fire and settled in for the night. Some of the older scouts headed off to the PLC to get final instructions.

Breakfast was followed flags and the games started sharply at 9:27. Our four competing patrols were headed by Will S, William W, Braden and Matthew H. With our older scouts running one of the games it was funny to see the two Williams walking off down the trail with their little ducklings in tow. The size differential was at times dramatic to say the least.

The standard Projectoree lunch of fossilized hot dogs, chips and a granola bar was gratefully eaten by all and the afternoon games ensued.

During the spider web game Matthew H was heard bellowing instructions at the slighter scouts to not bend as they were being passed through the web. His instructions even included premonitions of bending which were followed by a repeat bellowing not to bend!

The end of the festivities is always the Scoutmaster Chariot Race. As in previous years our scoutmaster, due to certain tonnage restrictions, is substituted for a lighter and more perfectly groomed substitute, Mr. Wright. Our sole reason for being is to beat Troop 111 in this race. This year we were closer than ever and have vowed not to return to McLean next year if we don’t win.

Dinner was served early and then it was off to the final camp fire for the boys. After that various groups huddled around lanterns to play cards and generally hang out. Shame most other troops headed home directly following the camp fire due to previous damp weather forecasts. Sure it was a bit wet and yucky when we woke up but last time I checked camping was an outdoor sport and I’m not sure what it teaches the boys if every time there is rain in the forecast you head home. You might as well not have scouts in the UK or the Pacific Northwest if that’s the criteria for bailing on an outing! Very odd.

Bed was our normal 10 p.m. and then the rain started. Always fun being in a tent with the rain hammering down. All the boys did well with just a few suffering from small leaks. Breakfast was eaten, we packed up and headed home.

All in all a good weekend, our four patrols worked well together and did the troop proud.

Thanks again to Mrs. Miller and Gattuso for organizing this outing.