White Rocks Hike

Fourteen Scouts (including one Girl Scout) were joined by nine adults for an unseasonably warm day of walking in the George Washington National Forest today. The listing of Scouts: Andre, Brandon, Connor L., George, Jack C., James, Jordan, Ian F., Helen F., Owen C., Noah, Patrick, Pranav, and Scott S. And the parents were: Chuck C., Denise, R., Jennifer S., Kate F., Jason C., Matt S., Mike F., Mike T., and Patricia S.

This is the second time our troop has done the White Rocks hike in about a year. And I'm pleased to report we had several improvements over the prior outing: 1) we actually found the overlook this time 2) upon returning to the cars, we had no surprises and 3) Patricia had a much easier time on today's hike (if you ask nicely, she'll show you her picture from last year's trip).

But the heat on the day was surprising. I'm certainly looking forward to cooler weather. A summery stroll in the hills is all well and good in July. But as the leaves are falling in mid October, it seems unnecessary to have temps in the 80s. Ah well, this sport is clearly played outside. We set the dates and carry-on as best we can.

This hike is shaped like a lollipop. We started and ended at the base of the stem. And there was a long loop in the middle. The first part of the loop was a mostly gradual climb into and up a box canyon. There was a good push to get to a saddle on the ridge, then a bit more up to achieve the ridge's apex. On the ridge, we hiked a portion of the Tuscarora Trail (which figures prominently in most of our GWNF hikes). The main overlook is a bit sneaky--because you follow a pipe stem *down* from the ridge to find it. But wow is it worth the jaunt. The rest of the loop is some tricky footwork on the downhill. But before you know it you're back to the lollipop stem again.

Thanks to all those who took the time and joined us today. See you Tuesday.

You can enjoy the hike pix over here.