Advancement Hike

A group of seven Scouts and five parents participated in yesterday's advancement hike.  The group met close to the trailhead of the Pimmit Run Trail in McLean.  The event began with the group's Instructors -- Christopher F., Ben J., Matthias Z., and Tim J. -- going over several Tenderfoot and Second Class rank requirements with the younger Scouts, Anders P., Cooper T., and  Evan C.  We then commenced our five mile hike.    

The Pimmit Run Trail follows Pimmit Run through McLean.  We are fortunate to have this trail in our community.   One can indeed experience the Great Outdoors without traveling far from home.  The trail is an easy one and has little change in elevation.  The only obstacles we faced yesterday were six creek crossings, four road crossings, and several muddy sections resulting from the lovely snow, sleet, and rain of the previous day.  We fortunately encountered no precipitation during our hike, but most of us were surprised by the cold temperatures.  Strong winds, of course, lowered the windchill.  But the sun appeared every now and then and warmed us up.  

Per one of the Second Class requirements, we looked for evidence of wild animals.  We saw deer hoofprints, woodpecker holes, and, much to our surprise, beaver marks on a tree still standing and on a fallen tree close by.  We viewed some live animals:  a bird of prey overhead, fish in the creek, and (not much to our surprise) a deer.  Some Scouts at the end of our column were treated to the sight of a dead fox.  

At the conclusion of the hike, the older Scouts checked off the covered requirements in the younger boys' Scout Handbooks.  In less than three hours on a Sunday afternoon and not far from home, Scouts got some exercise, experienced the outdoors, provided instruction to one another, and completed several rank requirements.  

If you want to see pictures from this hike, click here.