Hiking in the rain on a Sunday!

Today’s weather was actually perfect for hiking … not too bright … not too hot … not too cold … just right. OK, so it may have been a little drizzly, overcast and generally miserable but I could not think of a better place to be on a Sunday morning (unless it involved a beach, cloudless skies and no scouts!!).

The crew met at the usual spot and then headed out 66, hung a left in Front Royal and pulled up just short of our annual canoe trip location and headed in the Shenandoah River State park. This was to be a nice little stroll up and down some minimal lumpiness for about 10 miles.

Once we’d all got together at the trail head we headed off (16 able-bodied scouts and 10 bodied adults). Most of the trails were rock-free and perfect for a gentle Sunday outing (even reminding some of us of fluffy kittens … long story but makes once of us giggle).

After moving at a pretty good clip we stopped for lunch at a beautiful overlook. We looked down on the river and into hills to our west. The clouds were low and wrapping their arms lovingly around some of the lower peaks making for a magical and slightly mystical picture. Having canoed this area many times in September, seeing it at this time of year in this slightly grumpy weather gave a slightly different perspective.

Although we had multiple trail changes the park was really well marked. Having said that, the scouts were shockingly bad navigators. For seven years I’ve been saying “orient your map”, “where’s the sun?”, “who’s got a compass?”, “anyone know where the sun is?”, “where exactly are we?”. I actually asked one of the scouts (who will remain nameless) where we are. He pointed to a spot on the map. He was about a mile off, up in the hills while we were standing about 30 feet from the river!!! I now firmly believe there is no hope, and so just smile knowing that we have achieved something by getting 16 guys outside at the weekend in the rain. For that achievement I was handed the misfortune of listening to them signing as we hiked.

Once back at the parking lot we all re-packed into our various cars and headed back to well earned showers and hot chocolate (and maybe an ice cream in Front Royal).

Enjoy the week and here’s to another great hike next Sunday.

Enjoy the Pix over here.