Strickler Knob Part Deux!

Deep down in a hidden part of my brain, filed away for eternity, lies a day in August 2016. It was 95 degrees, humidity was too high to record and we were off to Strickler Knob to hike. Why? Because it was on the schedule. But lordy, it was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. A staggering hard hike, in harsh conditions and left me feeling terrible. 

Fast forward to Nov. 12, 2017 and the stars had aligned for a great day. Not only were we doing a shorter version of the hike … about 6 miles … but the temperature was so much more conducive to hiking … 36-ish at kick off and mid-40’s when we were done. 

The squad met at Total Wine and then headed out to the hills. The Salts made a slightly shorter trip from Purcellville and met the rest of the gang at the trailhead. We had a slightly scattered arrival time at the trailhead due to a crash on 66 but by 9:30 we were ready to go.

The maps we were aligned (oh my, do they struggle to align a map!!!) and we headed up. And wow was it up. We headed up a vertical fire road to a saddle and then a long a little bit until we reached the junction with the Knob trail. We then headed a long the ridge and up to the top. It was rocky scramble, semi fun and when we got to the top the views were awesome.

Lunch was had and we drank coffee kindly provided by Mrs. Coopersmith and Mr. Forrer made us a fresh pot whilst the boys chilled out on the rocks. Actually it was a really pretty spot and we could have spent much longer there than we did.

After lunch, we headed down. And down it was. The boys skipped down hill with the agility of mountain goats and the speed of winged arrows! With no squeals of pain or fear of twisting something that will stop them walking for the next month or two. Most of the old people took a much more leisurely approach with one or two of us walking very gingerly down the hill, trying to avoid those life ending mini-rock monsters hiding under the recently fallen leaves. Oh and lets not forget those pesky little acorns lying there waiting for a size 11 boot to slide over them and cause an immediate implosion of the large body attached.

We ended up back at the cars, thankfully unscathed and mostly smiling. It was a great day to get outside and enjoy the beauty Virginia has to offer. We had 20 young ones (including 18 scouts and two sisters) and a great group of old people.

Our next hike will on Dec. 3. We will be doing a tow-path hike from Whites Ferry to the Monacacy Aqueduct. This will be a 15 mile hike (elevation gain may hit 20 feet!!!), but is an important hike for anyone wanting to complete the hiking merit badge. 

Check out the photos over here.