Troop 1916 Holds Courts or Honor

To Recognize Hard Work, Service,

and Dedication

An integral part of the Boy Scout experience is for scouts to meet the requirements for advancing in the organization’s ranks. The requirements for rising in scouting’s ranks are often vigorous and are designed to instill in our scouts the organization’s most enduring values. At each step of scouting’s journey, young boys learn life skills and participate in community service projects that will serve the well for many years to come.

After a Boy Scout has held a conference with the troop’s Scoutmaster and demonstrated to a Board of Review (composed of troop parents) that he has fulfilled the requirements to move up in rank, the troop holds a formal Court of Honor to recognize those scouts for their hard work and to celebrate their achievements. Families are always a big part of the ceremony in Troop 1916.

In December 2014 and March 2015, Troop 1916 held two Courts of Honor to recognize more than 20 scouts who rose in scoutings ranks, earned merit badges, and awards.

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